Baby Shower Thank You Notes

baby shower thank you notes

Looking for even more baby shower thank you note samples? Here you go, tons more! (Did you miss page 1?)

Substitute the gift in the note for the one you got, tweak a few details, and you should be good to go.

By the way: I know you are *so* not in the mood to write these notes, so good for you for getting it done! Yay you!

And congratulations, by the way!

baby shower thank you notes

Baby Shower Thank You Note Samples

Dear Ava,

I LOVE the wall hanging you had made! The big J for Jordan gives the nursery a real focal point and the colors are perfect. It’s the kind of thing I didn’t know I wanted until I had it!

Thank you so much for taking the time and thought to have it made. I know baby J will love it too.

Dear Marissa,

That baby basket was darling! I look forward to using everything in it, from the teeny tiny ruffled socks to the chic hat to the practical onesy. Oops, I mean the BABY looks forward to it 🙂 Honestly, even the basket itself is something I know we’ll use for a long time. Thank you so much!

Dear Iris,

Where in the world did you find such a gorgeous teddy bear? Since I’ve been pregnant I have seen lots of snuggly things but this bear steals the show. Not only is it enormous and soft, it has the sweetest look on its face and matches the nursery perfectly.

It was definitely the hit of the baby shower. Thank you!

Dear Yasmine,

You have no idea how much I love that baby book! I have been looking for one but haven’t found one I liked enough. If I had seen this one I would have snapped it up! It’s so unique how you can add photos of each month (or year) to the cover. It’s the kind of thing I can display on a wall instead of hiding on a shelf. I absolutely love it. Thanks so very much!


baby shower thank you notes

Dear Greta,

I was so excited to get the baby clothes! I know I registered for them but it didn’t make receiving them any less thrilling 🙂 I just loved that outfit from the first time I saw it but held off getting it myself because it was too extravagant. Leave it to you to get it for us! I will send you a picture of baby Eva in it as soon as possible.

Thank you so for that, and thank you also for making it to the baby shower. It meant a lot to me to have you there!

Dear Tina and Ted,

What a beautiful and useful gift! I have never seen a bouncy seat like this one. It’s so chic I won’t mind leaving it in the middle of our living room. If only all baby gear could be this gorgeous! It also looks comfy and I know the baby will love it. Thanks so much for thinking of us. We appreciate it!
Dear Hanna and Bill,

You guys shouldn’t have! That check is way too big! It will certainly be put to good use. We have had our eye on one of those ridiculously expensive strollers that practically walk the baby for you, and now we can actually consider buying it. How exciting! We will be the envy of the playground.

Thank you so much for the very generous gift. We truly appreciate it.
Dear Piper,

OMG is that not the cutest sweater ever?? I have seen a lot of cute baby clothes so far but this item wins the prize. I cannot wait to put it on the baby. I don’t even think I can wait til she fits into it; I’ll just lay it on top of her and take pictures. Thank you so much!

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for visiting today! I'm Kathy and I live in California with my husband and 2 sons. Letting people know I'm thankful is very important to me! Read more...

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